No, only you and writer can see the details of your order.
Get started with Goldenhour Writers to enjoy these free services:
Our professional experts can write from scratch any type of assignment, following your instructions.
Our professional experts can edit and proofread any type of text, eliminating all grammar and syntax mistakes.
We are committed to providing exceptional service that meets and exceeds expectations. Here's why you can trust us to deliver quality and reliability every time.
Step 1
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Step 2
Our platorm allows you to hold funds till you are satisfied
Step 3
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No, only you and writer can see the details of your order.
Your personal information is always kept confidential and can be deleted at your request. Your personal info will not be disclosed under any circumstances. Your writer won’t have any information about your name or location, or even your email address.
If for any reason you are not happy with the quality of the paper, you can: ask your writer to make revisions to it, request another writer, or if necessary, ask support for a refund. We strive to ensure 100% customer satisfaction and will do whatever it takes to make things right.
If you are a qualified academic writer who wants to earn good money for your skills, then we'd be delighted to have you on our team. Please contact for more details.
We know that academic writing submissions must be totally free of plagiarism. Our writers are also aware of the importance of this. To ensure that this does not happen our qualified staff will check all submissions by writers through the use of several forms of software designed to check for plagiarism. You can take be sure that we take great care in preventing dishonesty and will not tolerate writers who attempt to pass off plagiarized essays.
Golden Hour Writers is totally legal. It simply provides students with writing samples and research assistance in order to help them perfect their essay writing skills. Furthermore, Golden Hour Writers does not tolerate plagiarism.
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and academic experts to join our team.